Wednesday, May 24, 2023

To Be or Not To Be ….in Love


To love someone is nothing. To be loved by someone is something. To love someone and for them to love you back with the same intensity is Everything. Guess this is one of the greatest feelings a human can experience, however, very few do. Some of us may experience this but it's almost always so short-lived. 

Actually, very few people on this earth can say that they fell in love, stayed in love, and continue to live happily ever after.

The Plot Thickens

So what happens to the rest of us that have loved so dearly with every fiber of our being and the person whom we loved never reciprocated our love? Well, I can tell you this much. It's a very sad state of affairs, but I guess a worse-off situation would be to marry someone because you both fell madly in love and then one fine day your partner decides that they don't feel the same way anymore. 

You are stuck in a marriage and especially when there are little children involved nothing gives you the right to break the family unit and rob these little ones of a warm, secure home. The children deserve a Mama and a Papa, a roof above their heads, food in their tummy, and a warm bed to sleep in. 

You would want the same thing as a kid, right? You always wanted to see your parents together and happy. 

Self Sacrifice

So you make the sacrifice for your children's happiness and stay in a loveless marriage. You never stop making an effort.  You work darn hard to support your family because you love them and you know that one day, you could feel proud that you didn't give up and that you chose not to walk away.

You sometimes remind yourself that it's just until they finish high school, then it's the university and then it’s, well until they become independent. 

Time is the Best Teacher

In the meantime, you've grown older and wiser. You now begin to realize that all this time, you were chasing this dream of happily ever after and you question if it really does exist. 

The life you've built thus far for yourself and for your children despite not being loved with the same intensity as you loved, was always your happily ever after. Giving unconditionally of yourself gave you more gratification than imaginable. You stood your ground. You took accountability for the little ones you brought onto this earth and you made sure that they had a secure environment despite the many ups and downs. They had a father figure and a mother figure. They had their pillars and were provided for. You will always be their shield and protect them. This is the unconditional forever lasting love that you should strive for.

It may seem that you are alone in this but millions of people out there are in the same situation that you are in. We may not live in the happiest home but still, it’s a place we can call home.

In Pursuit of Happiness

We live in pursuit of happiness but the truth of the matter is wherever you are in your life just pause for a moment and make yourself understand that this is your happily ever after.

Love you lots

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