Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Secret to Weight Control

I was content with my weight and my appearance until 23. My clothing fit perfectly, and I was generally happy with myself.

It was after I had my first bundle of joy, a beautiful baby girl, that my weight became a problem. I was short in height, and any extra weight stuck out like a sore thumb.

The Rough Path Ahead

I was always very conscious of my appearance. As soon as I noticed the extra weight, I had to do something. I started exercising, which entailed jogging for half an hour a day, and I survived on black tea and dry toast. This worked for a few weeks until I grew tired of it. I was starved, and in the process lost hair. I was not receiving the essential nutrients my body needed and felt fatigued.

So I went back to old eating habits. Within a few weeks, the lost weight was gained. This time, I gained twice the weight lost.

When I received some snide comments about my weight,  I decided to join a weight loss program. This program helped me understand the different types of food and portion control. The program started to work because I learned what I could eat and what shouldn't be eaten. The allowed foods had to be eaten in controlled portions. I followed this eating plan for some time and lost 7 kilograms after 6 months. I was happy with how things turned out and maintained a healthy weight for the next few years. 

The Quick Fix

I had just finished my degree and wanted to have a second child. I was ready for this, and nine months later, I gave birth to a beautiful, bouncing baby boy. So with all my extra responsibilities, the eating plan was thrown out of the window, and the weight crept back in. This time, I knew I had to work harder; to get into shape. This time, however, I was looking for something different.  I was looking for a quick fix. I had no patience. I wanted it to happen quickly, and I wanted it to happen now. To exacerbate matters, there was an upcoming promotion that I didn't want to miss out on. So I came across this information regarding a herbal shake that replaces food. I decided to go ahead, although the merchandise was a bit pricey. I started immediately with this new approach to losing unwanted kilos. I was allowed only one meal a day. Breakfast and supper were replaced with a shake.  I ate the only meal for the day at around 3 pm, and that was it. No more eating until the next day. This went well for a few months, and the extra kilos soon started to shed off. The downside was that I was so irritable all the time. Part of the reason for my irritation was that I was always hungry.

Help from a Professional

I was explaining my frustration to a colleague when he suggested that I visit a dietitian. I was skeptical, but after some collaboration, I decided to make the appointment.

She was an absolute gem of a person and highlighted all the incorrect habits I had, concerning food, and the correct things to do, going forward. I was weighed up and measured and given a diet plan to follow. Initially, I had to spend a lot of money because I had to buy the items on the allowed food list. It gets easier, however, there was not a variety in the food list, and after some time, it did become difficult to stick to the plan. Nevertheless, I stuck it out, and I could notice the kilos slowly melting away. A few months later, I became bored eating the same foods, and all the unhealthy stuff found its way to my plate and into my mouth. Once again, the weight was back.

Mind over Matter

It's human to go back and forth to bad habits. Human nature is to steer toward danger now and again. I am grateful that my health was always and is still good. 

So where to from here? 

One day I spent time processing this "fat" journey and reflecting on what worked and what did not. I made some notes on what worked for me. I took the positives of every diet path I followed and journaled it. So here goes...

15 Habits to  Long Term Contentment

1. Exercise for 30minutes, 5 times a week.  This could be walking on the beach or around the block, cycling on your exercise bike, or even doing yoga stretches. As long as you keep active rather than being sedentary. This also gives you a good feeling and keeps you motivated. It also keeps your mind clear and healthy.

2. Drink water daily. Six glasses of water worked for me.

3. Snack on healthy foods like fruit or a handful of nuts and seeds.

4. Eat whatever you like in moderation. The big secret is portion control. This worked wonders for me. It took great discipline not to take a second serving of my favorite foods. If it's something like biscuits, eat two instead of six. Eat a smaller slice of cake than the usual slice. It's best to share with someone.

5. I found that sharing my food gave me more pleasure than expected. I enjoyed the food better and didn't experience the uncomfortable stuffed feeling in my tummy.

6. Don't engage in any other activity while eating. Eating should be treated like art. Sit at a table. Use cutlery as this also slows down the process of eating. Use your good dinnerware and lay the table even if it's for only one person. Sit comfortably in front of your food and enjoy each bite.

7. I agree that you should not talk while eating. Your concentration is divided between the conversation and the enjoyment of food. You should concentrate on your food and enjoy every mouthful.

8. Take small bites and chew your food thoroughly, crushing it against your pallet. Do this the next time you eat and notice the flavors awaken in your mouth. This process leaves you satiated. 

9. Eat supper by 6 pm. This enables digestion and restful sleep. At 8 pm you may have a hot beverage, like rooibos tea. Don't eat anything after that. You need an adjustment period for any change you make, allowing yourself an adjustment period of at least two weeks.

10. Do not drink water after 6:30 pm; to avoid too many trips to the toilet. Have your quota during the day. Getting up at night will also tempt you to engage in midnight snacking.

11. Allow at least 3 to 4 hours between meals. Don't overeat during meal times. Decide on the portion of food, and once you've done eating, don't go for second helpings.

12. You should not feel uncomfortable or stuffed when you leave the table.

13. Put off eating in the morning for as long as you can manage. Aim for a 16-hour gap from your last meal. Since supper was at 6pm, opt for breakfast at 10am the next day. Remember to allow yourself an adjustment period and slowly build up to the 16-hour gap. This habit aligns with intermittent fasting, which tremendously benefits the body.

14. Do not gulp down liquids. Sip slowly and swallow deliberately. Teas and coffees can be enjoyed when sipped slowly, leaving you refreshed and satiated. So there's no need for copious cups of coffee. I have 1 cup of coffee and 2 cups of tea a day. I have it with full-cream milk and 1 teaspoon of brown sugar. 

15. I also enjoy carbohydrates, and again; it's all about portion control. I enjoy eating a good curry with rice, as I grew up on this type of food. I don't deprive myself. I add some salad to this meal and enjoy it, thoroughly satisfied.

The above tactics helped me maintain a healthy weight for over two decades. So you too can enjoy food. Just choose the correct portion for you. You don't need to be a genius to work this out. Listen to your body. Your tummy will tell you when you have had enough. It also does not take a genius to know whether the food is healthy or unhealthy. If it's unhealthy, then take an even smaller portion, just to taste, savor and enjoy, but not to overindulge. Then move on to something healthy. It's the 80/20 rule. Be good with your choices 80 percent of the time. You can allow yourself those foods that are not so good for you 20% of the time. If you crave something, have it, but don't make it a regular part of your eating plan.

Love you Lots...

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