Hi everyone in this post I am going to give you advice about how to become a content creator. The first step to becoming a content creator is to create content, and that's it. Thanks for reading see you in the next post.
Just kidding, there is obviously more to it.
What is a Content Creator?
A content creator is someone who creates content or in some cases curates content. Why would they do this? They would do this to entertain people or to provide people with valuable information. If people enjoy or find the creator's content valuable then people will naturally follow the creator in order to get more of whatever it is that they create.
How do I become a Content Creator?
Okay, young padawan so you want to become a content creator huh? Just like your old pal Legendary Gentleman. It is worth mentioning that I only have 6 subscribers on YouTube, 119 Followers on Instagram and 1180 Followers on TikTok currently. I also have no google searches on this blog currently - the only traffic I get is from social posts that I do daily which amounts to about 150 visitors every month. This is the current state of Legendary Gentleman right now. I have not made a single sale on anything - I have not made a single cent from all of this ever since I started. I am currently unemployed too.
Why did I just tell you all of this? Well, so one day when I am successful I can look back at this article and have a long laugh. The other reason is so you need to know that I am starting from nothing here - just raw effort here. I have no money to put into this. This is the other reason, please do not get into content creation for money. I am in content creation for money but that does not mean you should be. I am kidding. The reason people say do not get into content creation for the money is because you would have a much better chance of making money by getting a job, it is simply much more logical. The reason you would want to get into content creation is that it is something you enjoy, and you are passionate about whatever it is you want to share with the world. And if you are passionate then money will surely follow but money should never be the only reason.
Now that you understand the foundation of logic and reason behind wanting to become a content creator what next? Well, you need to decide on what you want to share content about? Do you want to become a vlogger? Do you want to showcase other people's ice sculptures? Do you love to travel and want to share images of the most beautiful places on Earth?
Decide on what niche you want to get into and stick to it - please for god sake just stick to the damn niche. I have made this mistake in the past where I would launch a brand and work on it for a while then I would get bored then I would get passionate about something else and then I would want to start that and then all the work I put into the previous brand is gone to waste and if you decide to pick up the pieces then it typically becomes too late and the whole idea becomes dead. So I am telling you nicely if you want to do something - stick with it. Don't you dare switch and work on something else. Trust me you will thank me later. This is why it is so important for you to sit yourself down and truly think about and write about what niche you want to get into, risks, pros and cons included so you can properly decide.
Create Profiles
Now that you have decided on what niche you want to create content on. The next step is to create social media profiles. No, do not create just one. Please create at least 3. I suggest Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. Yes, I know that is four. I recommend those 4. Some people also like to create a Twitter account but that is up to you. Please make sure to set up these social media profiles: add things like a profile picture and a bio and any other details that you are comfortable sharing. Please ensure that the look of your socials is consistent so that people can easily identify you and so that you build brand awareness for yourself as a content creator.
This next tip is up to you on whether or not you want to follow it but I definitely recommend that you share these social links with your family and friends, this will help give your audience a nice jumpstart. Although sometimes you would want to keep things to yourself and I completely get that, sometimes keeping things private is the way to go.
With Legendary Gentleman, I kept it all a secret even to my own girlfriend and parents. I feel this way if I fail then no one will know about it at all - I know it is not a good mindset to prepare for things like that or even think and the truth is mentally I am so sure that I will be able to generate an income with Legendary Gentleman but for now, let it be something I only know about and something I only work on. I am obviously just using my situation as an example here for your betterment but basically as a 21-year-old who is unemployed - I have friends who have jobs and play games when they get home and go clubbing on the weekends. They make approx USD $1800 every month. I am doing this but I make USD $0 but when I make a breakthrough I will be making stacks more than they ever will. Why? Because when they were busy gaming and clubbing I was out here working on my brand. So the bottom line for this tip is to spread the word with people you know or don't - the choice is yours
With your profiles created, I am going to need you to go to each platform. Example Instagram has a business profile version. You need to go and research how to activate the creator or business version of each of your social accounts. This is important because you are setting yourself up for success. It also shows the platforms you are working with that you are there to grow and they even give you analytics for your posts.
Stay within your Community
Okay, so what do I mean by this? I have my social media profiles but I do not have a community so what the hell do you mean by staying within your community? No one said it was your community, to begin with, genius. You need to go find communities out there and engage.
Okay cool, how do I find communities? Comment sections on posts. Facebook groups. Live streams. Reddit forums. Standalone forums dedicated to your niche.
Okay, I know where to find these communities now what? You need to engage with these people and speak to them, you also need to accept that you most probably do not know everything there is to know in your niche. This means that you need to have an open mind and see what it is that you can learn from others in order to further develop yourself in your niche. Do not underestimate the power of simply communicating with others. It could even lead to a completely unique idea that will help you generate millions.
Okay, I know where to find these communities now what? You need to engage with these people and speak to them, you also need to accept that you most probably do not know everything there is to know in your niche. This means that you need to have an open mind and see what it is that you can learn from others in order to further develop yourself in your niche. Do not underestimate the power of simply communicating with others. It could even lead to a completely unique idea that will help you generate millions.
I swear to god if you spam I will ban you from Legendary Gentleman for all eternity. Listen, no one gives a rats arse about spammers, leave that, no one gives a crap about you. I know something that everyone cares about though, and that is themselves. What do I mean? I simply mean if you can help people they will be grateful to you and in turn, they would want to learn more about you or maybe they would even like to express their gratitude to you by giving you money.
A good example of this is if you are a chef and you enter a community about cooking and someone is complaining about how they can never make meringue - and you notice that they are getting in some yolk which obviously prevents the meringue from forming and you maybe send them a video link of someone properly separating egg whites from the yolk and they try it and it works for them, they are now more inclined to get back to you and let you know that everything went well. This could lead to a strong friendship where this person from across the world now tunes in whenever you are live streaming your cooking every Friday which helps build your community around your cooking brand.
A good example of this is if you are a chef and you enter a community about cooking and someone is complaining about how they can never make meringue - and you notice that they are getting in some yolk which obviously prevents the meringue from forming and you maybe send them a video link of someone properly separating egg whites from the yolk and they try it and it works for them, they are now more inclined to get back to you and let you know that everything went well. This could lead to a strong friendship where this person from across the world now tunes in whenever you are live streaming your cooking every Friday which helps build your community around your cooking brand.
I hope this post has given you some insight on how to become a content creator and I wish you all the luck in the future. I know you will do great. Please feel free to comment down below on your journey and let me know how things are going for you.
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